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Problem Children

New Orient


a part of Problem Children, by creewolf.

New Belfast's Chinatown.

RolePlayGateway holds sovereignty over New Orient, giving them the ability to make limited changes.

233 readers have been here.


New Belfast???s equivalent of China town, it houses a number of Asian businesses and homes. Is also the home base of many the city???s crime syndicates.
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New Orient

New Belfast's Chinatown.


New Orient is a part of New Belfast City.

1 Places in New Orient:

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Dominique Wolfe [0] A member of Mythos, prone to fights, but witty and not hard to get along with.
Suit [0] A dangerous hedonist & "Problem Child" who wants nothing more than to live a life of pleasure, after torturing those who made his childhood a living hell.

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“You know
I know
your customers would’ve known if you cooperated a little more,” a sly smile spread across her lips as she elegantly stepped over a frozen woman’s body which was laying in her way to the front counter. “Please I swear on my son’s life that I have no idea what you are talking about.” The store owner retreated behind his counter shaking in fear as she just gracefully brushed her hair out of her face, like she was in no hurry at all. “Wow bad move! Swearing on your child’s life that is very low, I would’ve expected better from you especially since you know who I am and so clearly know the damage I could do to your family.”

Without warning she jumped onto the counter. With a loud thumb sat down dangling her legs of the other side as the shop owner squeezed himself as close to the shelf behind him as he could, trying to keep a big distance between the two. She sat there happily just staring at him for a moment, watching as the sweat ran down the side of his face. “For a skinny guy you do sweat quite a bit.”
“Is it money you want? Take it all
take everything in the cash registers but please don’t hurt me.” The black haired young woman pushed herself of the counter with her hands but as soon as her feet were planted on the ground the entire counter was now covered in thick ice. She stepped towards the man who leaned further back into the shelfing. “I just want name, just one tiny little name.” She reached her handout towards him and very lightly stroke the side of his face before her hand dropped. “One name.”

Just then a little boy came running in from the back part of the shop, “Daddy what’s going on?” Layla already had her weapon drawn and pointed at the little boy, “No please don’t shoot him, his just a little boy
he doesn’t know what is going on
please don’t do it.” The man dropped to his knees pleading for his son’s life but Layla held her position just admiring his son as thought back to the time before she was taken. She had the same innocence but soon enough his innocence and oblivious to the world would soon disappear. “I was just a little girl
” she mumbled underneath her breath before pulling the trigger. One shot straight into the head and the boy fell to the ground. “YOU BITCH!” the man cried as he ran over to his son’s body, cradling the dead body in his arms as tears streamed down his face. “How could you kill a child? You brutal vicious cow
what is wrong with you?”

Layla stuck her gun back in its holster as she cleared her throat. “You should be grateful that I killed him quick and painless unlike the shit I have been through my entire childhood. You know how many children perished from the people you work with.”
“All I did was provided them with fresh fruit once or twice; I swear that’s all I did
” the man sniffed as she tried to compose himself. “I suggest you stop with the swearing before you get anymore of your family killed
I DON’T CARE what you did for them just give me the NAME of the person you had to report to! It’s not that HARD and STUPID NAME IS ALL I WANT!” She kicked the side of the counter clearly pissed off now because it has taken her so long and so many deaths to get this one name. “Thomas Eagleman
Finally,” she spoke harshly before wiping out her gun again and shooting the man. “You knew it was coming,” she half smiled before pulling out a small pink lily from her hair and setting down on the counter. Layla grabbed out her notepad and wrote down Thomas Eagleman. She then casually made her way to the front door of the store and exited into the cold night streets of New Orient.


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Donovan stepped over the yellow crime scene tape into the small store. The smell hit him pretty hard, the iron-like scent of blood. The splatter had dried and turned a dark brown on the dirty tile floor but the scent was just as strong as ever. Donovan could feel the beast's delight. It's primal love of blood sickened him. A patrolman with a small notepad stood over the three bodies scribbling away. He smiled at Donovan as he stepped into the scene.

"Morning Det. Blackstone," said the young man. "It's another weird one. One body's completely frozen, the other two have been shot. Forensics took the casings and we'll identify the bodies as soon as they get to the morgue. They're itching for a look. Might want to get done quickly, they've been breathing down our necks since the call came in."

Donovan took a draw of his cigarette and crouched down next to the body of a small boy. He couldn't have been much older than 4 or 5. The other bodies where that of a middle aged man, the boy's father most likely, and the other a frozen woman. Donovan clenched his fists as he took in the scene, the lifeless eyes of the little boy drilling into him. He had to fight to keep his anger under control. His chest heaved as he forced the creature down.

Not yet boy, he thought. Give me some time. When we find this bastard I'll let you out to play...I promise.

For the second time he heard the beast give form to its reply..."Yesssss."

He shivered at the response but remained resolute. He had to find this person, and make them pay. Unfortunately the foot traffic through the store made it almost impossible to pinpoint the murderer's scent. The ice pointed to an Olympus survivor, another problem child. That made the third one this month, none of which had been found. Along with the suicides and this murder, there was a serial killer cutting up his victims with a weapon that could cut cleaner than any blade. As he made his assumptions a new scent pushed through the smell of blood...a flower. Donovan stepped past the bodies towards the counter. On the counter laid a small pink flower, a lily. Donovan took the flower and held it up to his nose and inhaled deeply. The scent of the lily filled his mind, but it wasn't what he was looking for. His sense picked past the overpowering sensation till they came upon a blemish, a scent that didn't belong.

"Got'cha," whispered Donovan.

He pocketed the lily and waved to the patrol officer.

"OK, I'm all done here," he said. "I'll head back to the station and get to work nailing this scumbag. Watch out for the guard. I don't want them moving in on this one like the arsons back in September."


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Emily on her way to a coffee shop when she came across many emergency vehicals infront of a store. Her curiousity struck her as she peered around the vehicals to see what was happening. Someone caught her eye. She seemed to remember him from some where. Ah! She remember, that man,. . . Donavan's his name. she thought, the one in Mytho's so I thought I knew when I saw his file.

She had to talk to him. It drove her crazy as to why that man seemed so familar. She stood in the crowd and waited to see where he was going. She was going to follow him. . . Hopefuly he would go some where with little people.

She thought to herself on what she would say. It mainly depended on where he was headed. She could say she was lost. . . She did not want to bring up Hades, but she most definatly could if that was the only conversation she could strike. Her eyes locked on him, waiting for him to leave. . .